Vivo Y12s, a dual rear camera and 5,000 mAh battery, has been launched in India. This new Vivo smartphone comes with a waterdrop-style display notch. Vivo offers two different color options for you to choose from. Other key features of the Vivo Y12S include 3GB RAM, 13 megapixel primary camera and Fontouch OS 11. This new smartphone competes with other smartphones like Redmi 9 Prime, Realmy Nerso 10 and Samsung Galaxy M11. It is slightly more expensive than the Vivo Y12 launched in India in June last year.
Vivo Y12S: Price in India
In India, the Vivo Y12 single 3GB + 32GB storage variant is priced at Rs 9,990. You can get this smartphone in the market in Phantom Black and Glacier Blue color options. You can get it through Vivo India's online store, Amazon, Flipkart, Paytm, Tata Click and all partner retail stores across the country.
Vivo Y12S: Features
The dual Nano SIM Vivo Y12S runs on Android 10 operating system. It comes with a 6.51 inch HD + (720x1,600 pixels) IPS display with a 20: 9 aspect ratio. The handset is powered by an Octacore MediaTek Helio P35 SoC processor that comes with 3GB of RAM.
Vivo Y12S: Camera features
The Vivo Y12S comes with a dual rear camera setup. It has a 13-megapixel primary sensor with an f / 2.2 lens and a 2-megapixel secondary sensor with an f / 2.4 lens. On the front of this smartphone is an 8-megapixel snapper with an f / 1.8 lens for selfies and video chats.
Vivo Y12S comes with 32GB of onboard storage that can be expanded via a microSD card. Connectivity options include 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.0, GPS / A-GPS, FM radio, and a micro-USB port. On-board sensors include an accelerometer, ambient light sensor, magnetometer and proximity sensor. A fingerprint sensor is also provided on one side. The Vivo Y12 comes with a 5,000 mAh battery and supports 10W charging. The smartphone weighs 191 grams.