Launched in 2019, the OnePlus 7T smartphone is now available for Rs 74. The handset is priced at Rs 39,999 in India and $ 599 in the US. To get the OnePlus 7T for Rs 74, one has to buy the OnePlus 8T for $ 799 (Rs 59,086). This offer is currently only available in the US as part of Black Friday sales. The OnePlus 7T was the immediate successor to the OnePlus 7, which came with a major design overhaul and hardware upgrade.
It comes with a frontline Qualcomm Snapdragon 855+ SoC processor, 90Hz refresh rate display and a triple camera system with telephoto lens. This is a cool deal considering the fact that one can get two Android smartphones for just $ 800 (Rs. 59,160). Both phones offer great features and last for at least two years without any problems.
Unlike most Android smartphones, OnePlus smartphones run mostly on the stock Android operating system. In addition, the company offers regular software updates. Additionally, the OnePlus 7T will get the Android 11 and Android 12 upgrades with additional features. This is definitely a cool Black Friday. Especially for those who want to buy two smartphones for the price of one.
The OnePlus 8T has a 65W fast charging, 120 Hz display, similar to the OnePlus 8 Pro. Both phones offer an FHD + AMOLED display with an in-display fingerprint sensor. Both phones share a glass sandwich design with a metal frame. The OnePlus 7T is a 4G smartphone and the OnePlus 8T is a 5G smartphone. With the availability of 5G network in the US, the OnePlus 8T is a great option for those who want a 5G-enabled Android smartphone.