The LG Velvet smartphone was launched in India in October last year along with the LG Wing smartphone. Available in dual screen accessory, it comes with Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 chipset and triple cameras. The LG Velvet is priced at Rs 49,900, including dual-screen accessories for the 6GB RAM and 128GB storage model. Now, you can buy it through Amazon and Reliance Digital for Rs 29,999. However, neither website has disclosed whether or not a dual-screen accessory is included. If this is not included then this sale will be a great option for you because it sells for Rs 36,990 without the LG Velvet accessory. Additionally, there are a number of cashback offers, including the no-cost EMI option and exchange offers.
LG Velvet Features
This handset has a 6.8 inch Full HD + (1080 x 2460 pixels) 20.5: 9 aspect ratio folded display. The Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 chipset is paired with 6GB of RAM and 128GB of onboard storage. It can expand up to 2 TB via microSD card.
LG Velvet Camera Features
This handset comes with a triple camera system for better photography. It includes a 48MP primary sensor with f / 1.8 lens, 8MP wide angle lens with 120 degree view and a 5MP depth sensor with f / 2.4 aperture. In addition, it offers a 16MP selfie camera and a 4,300mAh battery unit with fast wire and wireless charging support. Includes IP68 rated phone for water and dust resistance and LG's 3D sound engine stereo speakers.
When it comes to price, LG Velvet comes with the best features. For the price of a mid-range phone, you get a high-resolution display, a 48MP main lens and an official IP rating. News has now spread that LG is shutting down its smartphone business. You may be wondering if LG smartphones still need to be considered. You can still get an LG phone as the company has confirmed that it will provide OS updates for the current smartphone. Many smartphones, including the LG Wing and Velvet, are said to receive software updates soon.