According to a recent Twitter post on the brand's official channel, the Xiaomi Mi 10i will be launched in India in 2021. The teaser reveals that the handset will come with a quad camera setup that comes with a main sensor of 108 megapixels. This is a direct reference to the Redmi Note 9 Pro 5G that was launched in China a few weeks ago. Xiaomi has not yet revealed further details other than that the handset will be unveiled on January 5th via an online livestream event.
A few weeks ago, rumors of a MI10i launch were rife in India when Tipster Mukul Sharma leaked certification information about the handset. The Mi 10i has been rebranded as the Redmi Note 9 Pro 5G from the Chinese market. However, this is quite different from the Redmi Note 9 Pro you get in India. The MI10i will be a 5G phone, and you can see some of the key features from the MI10T Pro flagship on this handset.
Xiaomi MI10i: Features
The MI10i is a new handset from Xiaomi. The company has not yet clarified what price Xiaomi will pay for this handset. There are rumors that this handset will be priced at Rs 20,000. The 5G Mi 10i is the ideal smartphone that is likely to come with the Snapdragon 750G chipset.
The MI10i is expected to feature a 120Hz IPS LCD display with 1080 pixel resolution, premium design, 5820 mAh battery and 33W fast charging system. However, its main area will be the 108 megapixel main camera. This handset is likely to come in the Rs 30,000 category. The Redmi Note 9 Pro Max is said to feature a quad camera system with three other cameras similar to the one you can find on the device.
The Mi 10i will be the third device under the MI category since the launch of the Mi 10 5G this summer. With the MI10T series, Shawmi is trying to offer 80% of its features at a slightly lower price point on the new handset. In 2020, Shawmi revealed that it was using the MI sub-brand as a platform to introduce premium devices with high-quality features.
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