The Redmi 9 Power smartphone will be launched in India today. Shawmi recently released some teasers confirming the features of the Redmi 9 Power handset including the 48 megapixel primary camera. The Redmi 9 Power is said to be a rebranded version of the Redmi Note 9 4G launched in China last month. However, it may have minor differences compared to the Chinese variant. Shawmi has already unveiled the Redmi 9 Power Launch on its social media. Here you can read all the details including the expected price and other features of the upcoming smartphone.
Redmi 9 Power Launch: Time and live stream details
Redmi 9 Power will be unveiled today at 12:00 noon. The event is being held on Shawmi's social media, including Facebook and YouTube. The live stream link is also added below.
Redmi 9 Power in India: Expected Price
Price and other details of the Redmi 9 Power handset are yet to be revealed. However, some earlier reports suggest that the 4GB + 128GB storage variant will start at CNY 999 (approximately Rs 11,300) and will be the Redmi Note 9 4G smartphone launched in China last month. The new Redmi phone is likely to have a similar price. However, there are rumors that a slightly cheaper 64GB variant will be available.
Redmi 9 Power: Expected Features
The Redmi 9 Power is expected to provide a 48-megapixel primary camera and fast charging support. Shawmi has not yet provided any other details. Considering the Redmi 9 Power as a rebranded version of the Redmi Note 9 4G, the new phone may get the features of the recently introduced model.
It has a 6.67-inch Full HD + (1,080x2,340 pixels) display, Qualcomm Snapdragon 662 SoC processor and a 6,000 mAh battery with 18W fast charging. The camera of the Redmi 9 Power may have some differences with the Redmi Note 9 4G. However, without the improved camera, the new Redmi phone is unlikely to undergo major changes compared to the Redmi Note 9 4G. The phone comes with a MIUI 12 out-of-the-box and water drop-style display notch.