The new storage variant of the Infinix Hot 10 has been launched in the Indian market. The new variant has 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage. The device is priced at Rs 8,999. The smartphone will go on sale on October 29, 2020 through Flipkart. The new device will be available in four colors: Moonlight Jade, Amber Red, Ocean Wave and Obsidian Black. The device comes with an e-warranty feature
Infinix Hot 10: Features
The Infinix Hot 10 has a 6.78-inch display with a screen-to-body ratio of 91.5%. This display is 2.5D curved glass. The device is powered by MediaTekHelio G70 octa core SOC. This smartphone has two Nano SIM card slots. The company has also provided Vault and Wi-Fi support on the device.
The Infinix Hot 10 comes with 64GB of internal storage and a microSD card slot for expanding storage up to 256GB. The device runs on Android 10 based XOS 7. The company has also provided a fingerprint sensor on the back of the device for security. The device has a 5,200 mAh battery. The battery offers 23 hours of video playback time, 31 hours of talk time and 66 days of standby time.
If you look at the camera features of the Infinix Hot 10 smartphone, it is a quad camera setup that includes a 16MP AI primary camera. The company has also provided an LED flashlight in this camera setup. The company has also included an 8MP macro lens in this camera setup. The device comes with an 8MP AI display selfie camera with dual selfie flashlight for selfies and video calling.
The second storage variant of the Hot 10 smartphone has just been released. Earlier, the Hot 10 smartphone was launched with 6GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. The device is priced at Rs 9,999. The company also offers the option to expand the storage up to 256 GB in this variant
The device features a quad camera setup with 16MP, 2MP, 2MP and low-light sensor. The device has a 5,200 mAh battery and 18W charger power marathon technology. Another feature of the device is the DTS-HD surround sound audio system. This device provides excellent quality audio.