Acer has launched an updated lineup of premium Windows laptops in India with the new Eleven Generation Intel Core processors. The Eleventh Generation upgrade was used on the Aspire 5, Swift 3X, Swift 3 14, Swift 3 and Swift 5. Acer will revise the price of all these models and make them available for sale from the first week of November. The laptops will initially be available through Reliance Digital and will then go on sale through Flipkart and Amazon.
Acer offers new upgrades on Eleventh Generation Intel processors. Some of these laptops are compatible with the Intel Evo program, while others also feature Intel Iris XE and Ital XE Max based laptops. These processors include Instant Wake, powerful graphics performance with Intel Iris X graphics, fast charge all day long battery life, excellent in-class wireless, and wire connectivity with Thunderbolt 4 and Intel Wi-Fi 6.
Acer Intel Eleventh Generation Laptops
Swift 5 (SF514-55T)
The Acer Swift 5 laptop comes with a lightweight design, strong performance and anti-microbial coating. The laptop uses Eleven Generation Intel Core processors, which are tested on the Intel Evo platform. So, Acer says the laptop offers up to 17 hours of battery life. Weighing in at 1kg, the laptop has a 14-inch full HD display, 340kg of baritone level, and 100% of the SRGB color gamut. The display has an antimicrobial coating of gorilla glass. Many ports, such as USB-C, Thunderbolt 4, and USB 3.2 General 2, are diesel-powered. Price range for the Swift 5 starts at Rs 79,999.
Swift 3X
The Swift 3X Eleven Generation Intel Core Processor comes with the new Intel Iris X Max graphics. It helps with graphics intensive tasks like photo and video editing and can play games with high FPS. The 14-inch display itself supports 72% of the NTSC color gamut and offers a screen-to-body ratio of up to 84%. The laptop has a 58.7Wh battery that can last up to 17.5 hours. Swift
3X laptops start at Rs 79,999.
Swift 3
Both the models in the Acer Swift 3 series have Eleven Generation Intel Core processors. Additionally, the Intel Evo platform is certified as a laptop design. Both laptops have a metal chassis, Intel Iris X graphics and Thunderbolt 4. The Swift 3 (SF313-53) has a 13.5-inch display and a 3: 2 aspect ratio for 18% more vertical viewing. Additionally, the display covers 100% of the SRGB color range and has a 400-nit brightness rating. It offers up to 16 hours of battery life. It takes 30 minutes of charging time for 4 hours of battery life. The Swift 3 (SF314-59) features a large Full HD 14-inch display. Both the new Swift 3 models support backlit keyboard, SSD storage and 1TB PCIe Gen 3 x 4 SSD memory. Supports Windows Hello via Fingerprint Reader. Laptops in the Swift 3 line start at Rs 67,999.
The new Acer Aspire 5 is powered by the latest Eleventh Generation Intel Core processors and Nvidia GeForce MX350 discrete graphics. The main feature of the laptop is the full HD 14-inch IPS display with blue light filter protection. Dual-band Wi-Fi 6 802.11ax is supported. Laptops feature storage up to 1Tb M2 PCIe SSD and up to 2Tb HDD. The Aspire 5 Series starts at Rs 54,999.